Friday, December 31, 2010

The NYE Bash Has Started!

The blogger New Year's party/commentathon hosted by Boxer is well underway, and everyone's invited! Click on over to see what she's up to and for linkage to the other great participants. Remember, Boxer is donating 50 cents per comment on her blog to charity, and a lot of other participants are offering up fun, games, and donations as well.

As I mentioned in my original post, I will donate $.50 per comment left on my blog during the same time frame to a local charity of my own choosing: the Cincinnati Freestore Foodbank. Plus, if you’re not already a friend of Boxer’s and leave a comment at her place saying “Eggy sent me,” I’ll pony up 50 cents for each of those comments as well.

While I head into the Eggplant Kitchen to whip up an appetizer to take over to Moi's place - you won't want to miss her fabulous spread of Catalan finger food - here's a little New Year's entertainment to tide you over.

Stop by later today for my appetizer and an actual recipe (I know I don't do those very often). And all are welcome back here Saturday morning for New Year's Brunch!

Party on, people!


The Mistress said...


I'm off to Boxer's place now with an “Eggy sent me" message.

WaterDog said...

Oh,sounds so good - are you bringing it here??